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In Rome and Velletri
The Rome office, located in the Appio San Giovanni area, 50 meters from Metro A (Colli Albani), includes two operating rooms, one for the body, the other for the face, where all the aesthetic medicine treatments of outpatient type under local anesthesia.
The second studio, located in the Roman castles, in Velletri, near the railway station, has two operating rooms, a body and a face.
Both studios have state-of-the-art medical devices such as: Carboxytherapy, Pressurized Oxygen Therapy, the brand new Bio-Meso-Carb Oxytherapy device (Combined Infusion Set), the Alexandrite-diode laser for Ultimate Hair Removal, the 'Plasma' Laser ', the Laser Mask for Photodynamic Therapy .
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